Version 1.0


Nocodium, Otto-Braun-Str. 85, 10405 Berlin

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We adhere to the small business regulation in accordance with § 19 UStG (German Value Added Tax Act), and as a result, VAT is not displayed separately.

Tax number: 31/262/03274
Contact person: Filip Dimanov
Phone: +49 157 58 311 308


This website offers information for your general reference only. Nocodium strives to provide accurate and up-to-date content, but cannot guarantee its complete perfection. We are not liable for any damages arising from the use, misuse, or misinterpretation of the information presented, including any inaccuracies or omissions. This exclusion does not apply to situations where intentional misconduct or gross negligence on our part can be proven.


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Data Protection

Visiting our website typically doesn't require you to share personal information.  However, when necessary for specific features (e.g., contacting us), we collect data like your name, address, or email address. This is always done with your consent.  For a detailed explanation of our data protection practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy.